About Us
Toujours Prét = Always Prepared
Our school Labiance, your white walls
Are a fortress strong, and tall,
Where you rear a nation’s children,
Well-prepared to play and toil.
Search for all God’s given talents
Of muscle, heart and mind
Forge them into living assets
Of a nation proud and kind.
Therefore let us fill the wide plains
With our clear and ringing call,
In our growth and our endeavour,
Let us stand prepared for all!
Music : Dirkie de Villiers
The education of our learners is the common goal and responsibility of the parental home, the school and each learner. It would be greatly appreciated if you would make the Labiance Primary School Mission a personal commitment so that together we can work towards a sense of pride in our school.
with Christian Values (also accommodating other religions), mutual respect and professionalism as a basis, strives to:
Prepare our learners to be balanced citizens, who are independent, responsible and creative.
Facilitate excellence in learning.
At all times have professional educators, who are well-resourced and put the needs of the learners first.
Have a positive and supportive parent community.
Have a self-motivated, capable and conscientious support staff.
Have a School Management Team that sets the example at all times.
Maintain a well-equipped, clean, safe and functional
learning environment.
Uphold relationships with the Labiance Community and other communities to ensure mutual support.
Labiance Primary School is a modern, progressive school with deep roots in the community and in the history of the area. It is a public school providing education from Grade R to Grade Seven. The school is managed by a great School Management Team (SMT) who is assisted and supported by a School Governing Body (SGB) elected by the parent body. A dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff, supported by the parents and disciplined learners, provide for an excellent teaching environment.
The ethos of the school is based on the principles of respect, integrity, responsibility, commitment, Carpe Diem and teamwork. Traditionally, it has always been known as a happy school with a relaxed, secure atmosphere. As a school that provide a Christian based education, we strive to provide an educational programme in which each individual child is encouraged to develop their potential in both body and mind through independent work habits and sound self-discipline. We encourage our children to have respect and support for one another and to develop a strong sense of consideration for others. Children are also encouraged to be mindful of the less fortunate in our communities.
Our aim is to develop well-balanced, happy individuals capable of meeting the challenges which lie ahead. The staff strives to attain these ideals through their teaching of the subjects offered and the cultural and extra-mural program. We are confident that we will reach these goals through maintaining a harmonious relationship with our parents and the local community and by maintaining the high morale of the staff.